Newhall Fellowship

Newhall Fellowship

Newhall Fellowships are competitive awards for GTU Doctoral students in collaborative teaching or research with faculty mentors in the belief that such collaborative work would contribute to the professional development of the students and the mission of the GTU. Newhall-Fellowship roles include Research Assistants, Teaching Assistants, Course Instructors, and Co-Teaching. Those applying as Course Instructors are required to use the GTU Syllabus template.

GTU syllabus template

GTU online syllabus template

Awards are given for fall, spring or both semesters, but the application process takes place only in the fall. (If you apply for funding for two semesters, please note that the Awards Committee will fund projects for the one semester in which the course is to be taught or the research conducted.) Generally, awards are at least $3000 per semester. The design of the project should require the student to work only about 5 - 10 hours per week.

Newhall Fellowships offer an exceptional opportunity to work closely with professors whose interests and approaches parallel the student's on projects that often would not be possible under other circumstances. The Newhall applications must come from both the student and the professor for a project. The awards are designed to support both students (through grants) and faculty (through assistance to their research and teaching).

Students should take the initiative in finding out which professors would be interested in providing assistance--especially when the student thinks such a working relationship would be beneficial to both the professor and the student. Even if the student does not have a particular professor in mind, it is a good idea to make known (perhaps through the Department Chair) what their interests and qualifications are. Often the professors themselves are looking for capable students to work with them, but they may not know the students well enough to seek out those best suited for their projects. 

One of the stipulations of the Newhall Fellowship is that the recipients write a brief report and description of the work accomplished. This report should be submitted to the GTU Dean's Office by the end of May 2025.

Criteria for Receiving a Newhall Fellowship:

  • the qualifications of the persons involved
  • the quality and nature of the project
  • the level of mutual collaboration
  • the extent to which the project as described would be educational and beneficial to the student
  • in the case of courses or curricular projects, whether they strengthen academic cooperation at the GTU, either through the doctoral program, through inter-school courses at any level, by offering a unique course which would enhance curricular offering significantly, or by enhancing diverse pedagogical approaches
  • contributions of faculty members involved to the doctoral program and other consortial programs are considered in determining awards
  • preference will be given to students who have not received a Newhall previously
  • students may receive Newhall Fellowships for no more than two years
  • The Awards Committee members rank applications on the merits of the written proposals. Outstanding persons with poorly developed proposals will not receive an award.

Each member school and the GTU may nominate one student each year to serve as a teaching assistant or instructor under faculty supervision

  • nominations from the member school dean must be submitted to the GTU Dean’s Office by Friday, November 8, 2024
  • all other requirements of the application process apply as usual, except that mutual collaboration will not be required if the proposed course is deemed of value to the nominating school's curriculum

Proposal Guidelines: 

When students submit a proposal for a Newhall Fellowship, all students must fill out the Newhall Application Form (linked below) and the following items must be included. Faculty mentors can send their letters to the Executive Assistant of the Dean (

Research Assistants

  1. 1-2 page, single-spaced cover letter describing
    • the specific content of research and it’s end goal
    • the level of mutual collaboration between the Newhall Fellow and faculty
    • how the project enhances the goals of the consortium in promoting excellence in research among faculty and students
  2. 1-2 page, single-spaced Research Prospectus (following the IDS Prospectus/Dissertation Proposal standards available in the PhD Program Handbook).
  3. Student's Curriculum Vitae
  4. Letter of recommendation from faculty nominator outlining:
    • Newhall Fellow’s excellence in study
    • qualifications for the research assignment
    • faculty member’s record of involvement in the doctoral program or consortial-wide cooperative teaching and research
    • how the project enhances the goals of the consortium in promoting excellence in research among faculty and students


Teaching Assistants

  1. 1-2 page, single-spaced cover letter describing:
    • specific information on course content, learning outcomes and the Teaching Assistant’s role
    • the level of mutual collaboration between the Newhall Fellow and faculty
    • how the experience of being a TA will help in professional development
  2. Draft syllabus of the course or draft course plan
  3. Student's Curriculum Vitae
  4. Letter of recommendation from faculty nominator outlining:
    • Newhall Fellow’s excellence in study
    • qualifications for the teaching assistantship
    • faculty member’s record of involvement in the doctoral program or consortial-wide cooperative teaching and research
    • specific ways the faculty member hopes the TA will grow professionally


Course Instructor or Co-Teaching

  1. 1-2 page, single-spaced cover letter describing:
    • the specific content of course and learning outcomes
    • how the course strengthens academic cooperation at the GTU by offering a unique course that would enhance curricular offerings significantly and include diverse pedagogical approaches
    • the level of mutual collaboration between the Newhall Fellow and faculty
    • how the project enhances the goals of the consortium in promoting excellence in teaching among faculty and students
  2. Draft syllabus using GTU Syllabus Template with:
    • course title (29 characters maximum including spaces and punctuation), field codes, course level
    • course description
    • student learning outcomes
    • reading assignments
    • assessment methods
    • outline of class sessions
    • policies as listed on the template
  3. Student's Curriculum Vitae
  4. Letter of recommendation from faculty nominator outlining:
    • Newhall Fellow’s excellence in study
    • qualifications for the research assignment
    • faculty member’s record of involvement in the doctoral program or consortial-wide cooperative teaching and research
    • how the course enhances the goals of the consortium in promoting excellence in research among faculty and students

To be considered by the Awards Committee, the application and supporting materials are all due no later than Friday, November 8, 2024, 5:00 PM. Late materials will not be accepted.