Support GTU’s Library Collections

Support GTU’s Library Collections

The library is at the heart of the GTU—figuratively and literally. With its central location and unique design, the library is not just a symbol for the work of the GTU, but is also a hub for print and digital information that energizes and sustains student research. The GTU library also provides ongoing support for alums as they continue their work out in the world.  

Maintaining robust and accessible library collections is essential to supporting student and faculty scholarship. In the last year, the library has undergone significant improvements to make sure the library continues to be a valued resource to support the next generation of research. This work has included newly redesigned learning facilities to improve the experience of scholars on site, as well as dramatically expanded digital resources to improve access to digital collections and provide a state-of-the-art user experience to support online learning. 

We invite you to explore the GTU Library’s collections below and make a gift to expand its robust and accessible resources.

Every gift is deeply appreciated, no matter its size.

For questions and assistance, please contact Advancement staff.

Support Collections in Latter-day Saints Research

Invest in the expansion of the GTU's Latter-day Saints materials, including the purchase of e-books such as: Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon (6 book series), The Book of Mormon Reference Companion, and The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, Maxwell Institute Study Edition. Help us reach our goal of $400 for this area by making a gift today.

Support Expanding Bibliographical Research in Key Areas

The GTU currently offers two collections of Oxford Bibliographies Online: Biblical Studies and Buddhism. Support the addition of modules in Art History, Chinese Studies, Hinduism, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, and Philosophy, which can be acquired for $400 each.

Support Materials in Interreligious Chaplaincy

Invest in the expansion of our offerings for Interreligious Chaplaincy students, including the purchase of texts such as Hindu Approaches to Spiritual Care: Chaplaincy in Theory and Practice, Routledge Encyclopedia of Death and Dying and Integrating Spirituality Into Counseling: Methods and Practices. Make a gift today to help us reach our goal of $500 in support for these offerings. 

Support Materials in Hebrew

Support a year subscription of two important Hebrew language databases, Otzar HaHochma and Kotar.  Each database requires a $3,000 annual subscription.

Support Islamic Studies

Invest in the expansion of the GTU's online encyclopedia sets for Islamic Studies by adding the Encyclopaedia of Islam Online. This online set from Brill includes articles from 1955-present and is a $3,000 annual subscription.  

Support Scanning Services for Distance Students and Faculty

The library is seeking to replace the outdated scanner that is used to provide print materials to GTU faculty and staff all over the world, ideally hoping to acquire a Library Bookeye scanner to accommodate top-down large format scanning. Help us reach our goal of $5,000 in this area by making a gift today. 

Support Special Collections Cataloging Staff

Enable the library to hire short-term catalogers with expertise in world languages to provide more extensive records of materials in our rare book and special collections.  Make a gift today to help us reach our goal of $10,000 in this area.

Learn more about the Collections and Library at an Upcoming Event