Faculty Directory

Sam S.B. Shonkoff

Taube Family Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies

Core Doctoral Faculty
At the GTU since
(510) 649-2488

Sam Shonkoff (Ph.D., University of Chicago) is the Taube Family Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies at the GTU, where he teaches on Jewish religious thought as well as methods in the study of religion. His scholarship focuses primarily on German-Jewish and Hasidic theologies, as well as integrations of Hasidic spirituality in relatively secular spheres. Shonkoff is co-editor with Ariel Evan Mayse of Hasidism: Writings on Devotion, Community and Life in the Modern World (Brandeis University Press, 2020) and the editor of Martin Buber: His Intellectual and Scholarly Legacy (Brill, 2018). His current book project investigates themes of embodiment in Buber’s representations of Hasidism vis-à-vis the original sources. To view Shonkoff's publications and an extended CV, please visit https://gtu.academia.edu/SamShonkoff.

Degrees and Certifications

PhD, with distinction, University of Chicago Divinity School, 2018 

MA, University of Toronto, 2011

BA, magna cum laude, Brown University, 2007

Research and Teaching Interests

German-Jewish thought

Hasidism and Neo-Hasidism

Philosophy of religion

Jewish hermeneutics

Formulations of dynamics between corporeality and spirituality

Psychedelics and religion

Selected Publications



Courses Taught

Modern Judaisms: Religion, Culture, or Nationality?

Hasidic Mysticism

Introduction to Jewish Theology

Jewish Counterculture of the Sixties

Theology and Ethics departmental seminar