Creatives' Cove Spring Forum

Thursday, April 21st 2022, 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Graduate Theological Union, 2400 Ridge Road Berkeley, CA 94709

UPDATE: This event is now entirely remote. UC Berkeley has issued a campus-wide emergency alert, meaning both the Cal and GTU campuses have gone into lockdown. We're not sure when this situation will be resolved, and, out of an abundance of caution, we want to make sure no one is on campus if it is unsafe. Be sure to register to join us on Zoom!

Join us either in the Collaborative Learning Space in the Hewlett Building (2400 Ridge Road) or online, for an evening of community and creativity. The Creatives’ Cove student group invites you to bring along your latest creative endeavors to share and discuss. We welcome artists, makers, creators, writers, and thinkers of all stripes to create together an environment of liberative affirmation.

The GTU Creatives’ Cove student group is envisioned as a “big tent” shelter for academic creatives—whether currently engaged as students, staff or faculty. Here, both accomplished and wannabe artists convene to create art within a welcoming atmosphere that’s devoid of judgment, lofty expectations, and stringent rubrics! Whatever your current station along the artistic spectrum, we hope you can join in this greatly noble life-giving endeavor of justice-oriented relationship building. So come, let’s sing, knit, bake, crotchet, color, draw, speech-make, humor-ize, and dance, among myriad other creative outlets!

Karibuni sana / Welcome all!

To attend virtually, please register here.

If you’d like to learn more about the Creatives’ Cove, and what we do, or to contribute your creative work to share in the  Dean's Newsletter, please reach out to any of the leadership team: LydiaCharissa, and Mbûûi.

[📸 Image credit: Swami Punitavati Ammaiyar, Anamalai, watercolor on paper]


We are the Creatives’ Cove!


In solidarity we here gather,

Of single accord here we come;

Us all at once together,

With hearts open and warm.

Here to create in Love,

We are the Creatives' Cove!


With arms spread with care,

All for creative labors steady;

Dream for truer circles we dare,

As now gather'd we come ready.

To forge lastin' bonds of Love;

We are the Creatives' Cove!


From diverse "stations" converg'd,

Bear tidings of untamed joy;

In deepest spirits of Love submerg'd,

Resist every divisive ploy.

As revel we in the arts of Love;

We are the Creatives' Cove!


On this truth our hopes we ground,

“Interlocked strands hold stronger”;

Our vision as one naught to cloud,

The resolve to hold a little longer.

Hemmed within the circle of Love;

We are the Creatives' Cove!


This blessed commune in haste conjoin,

Tap the copious blessings untold;

As hearts and hands we herein join,

And in breathless awe now behold.

The wonders of abiding in Love;

We are the Creatives' Cove!


Penned by Mwaambi G Mbûûi

PhD Student, GTU

March 26, 2022

The Collaborative Learning Space is the large glass room on the main level of the library.