Academic Degrees & Programs

Academic Collage



At the Graduate Theological Union, the proximity of our member schools, multifaith centers, and interdisciplinary programs creates a dynamic intellectual community that draws scholars from around the world. Our curriculum has grown beyond the traditional strengths in Bible, history, theology, and ethics to encompass a wide range of areas, including art and religion, religion and psychology, cultural and historical studies of religions, Christian spirituality, and interdisciplinary studies.

Doctoral Studies at the GTU

The GTU offers both the Ph.D and the Th.D. degree.  Both are advanced academic degrees intended to prepare students for professional careers in teaching, writing, and scholarship, as well as for leadership opportunities with religious organizations, social service agencies, foundations, museums, libraries, publishing, and in educational institutions.

Master of Arts Program

The Common M.A. is an academic degree offered in cooperation with the nine members schools of the GTU.  The M.A. student affiliates with a member school, or a participating academic center or institute, chosen according to study interests and/or denominational ties.  Students have access to courses offered throughout the consortium, and many courses at UC Berkeley.  The purpose of the program is to provide a basic understanding of theological or religious studies for further graduate study or for general academic purposes.

The M.A. is offered in several fields of study related to theology and religion, including specialized offerings in Biblical Languages, Buddhist Studies, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, and Orthodox Christian Studies. 

Other Study Options

  • Special Student Status - Prospective students who are not certain which degree program best suits their interests, or who may have missed an application deadline and want to begin course work, may apply to one of the member schools or to the GTU for special student status.  An individual holding an M.Div. or an M.A. in theology who intends to apply to the doctoral program may also apply to the GTU as a special student.
  • Certificate Programs - Individual member schools also offer Certificate programs designed for students who want to explore theological study for a year before embarking upon a degree program.
  • Take a Class at the GTU - If you have a bachelor’s degree you may apply to take a course through one of the member schools.  Review the Schedule of Courses.  Contact the school of the faculty member offering the course to apply.
  • Summer Courses - Several GTU member schools offer courses (both credit and non-credit) in the summer months. Contact the individual member schools for further information.